Authors are kindly requested to thoroughly read the guidelines regarding format and other important abstract /full paper submission issues.
We welcome you to register and submit your abstract to the World Research Forum International Conference on Nanotechnology and Marine Science (ICNAMS-25). First of all, send your abstract to the organizing Scientific Committee, and if your abstract is approved, you will be requested to submit the full paper. Your full paper will be eligible for reputed publication opportunities, or your abstract will be published in the proceedings.
Download the abstract format here for all the details.
We accept full papers featuring high-quality, unpublished, and original work. The conceptual, productive, practical, and academic work conclusions must be authentic and genuine. Also, ensure that the submission of any paper is not considered in any other platforms.
Highlights of our Reviewing Process
Important Paper Details
Length of full paper: 12 pages, including references, tables/ charts, and keywords
Abstract length: 200 to 250 words
Keywords in the paper: 3 to 5
Format: MS Word-compatible file
Font and formatting details: 12-point Times New Roman with single-spaced pages. The margins must be Normal (Top:2.54 cm, Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left: 3.18cm, Right: 3.18cm)
Page number: Centered at the bottom
Layout: Once column portrait
Paper Structure
All the submitted articles must have original and unpublished findings. Any act of plagiarism is not tolerated and will lead to the cancellation of the paper submission. Moreover, you must know how to paraphrase and cite findings to avoid plagiarism. Following academic ethics is crucial, and plagiarism checks will be initiated before the review.
To submit your paper, kindly follow the online submission link. If you have a query, you can contact
Evaluation Process
Instructions for the oral presentation
We offer an oral presentation for 15 minutes. You can request for necessary equipment for delivering the presentation. We ask you to arrive early at the venue to ask for necessary arrangements and other things.
Check out the guidelines for poster format: