Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)

International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology - (ICTAN-25)

29th-30th November 2025, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Call For Papers

Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology
Characterization and Applications
Fabrication of Nanodevices
Modeling and Simulation
Nanobiology and life Sciences
Nanobiotechnology and Pharmacy
Nanobiotechnologies and Nanobio systems
Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
Nano-Physics and Bio-Electronics
Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering
Nanochemistry and Materials
Nanobiotechnology in pharmacology and medicine
Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
Nanotechnology and Agriculture
Nanotechnology and Coating
Nanotechnology and Energy
Nanotechnology and Environment
Nanotechnology and Polymer
Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering
Products and Markets in Nanotechnology
Risk Assessment and Standardization
Nanotechnology Applications in Science and Engineering