Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks - (ICCICN-25)

24th-25th September 2025, Calgary, Canada

Call For Papers

Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems
Autonomy-Oriented Computing
Artificial Neural Systems
Biological Computing
Biomedical Informatics Theory and Methods
Complex Systems Theory and Methods
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
DNA Computing
Evolutionary Algorithms and Programming
Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing
Granular Computing and Rough Sets
Healthcare Informatics Theory and Methods
Image Understanding
Information security
Intelligent Systems
Knowledge Discovery
Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning Theory and Methods
Multi-Agent Systems
Multimedia and graphics technologies
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
Swarm Intelligence and Optimization
Signal and Speech Processing
Microwave IC, antennas and wave propagation
Modeling and simulation
Ontology and Web services
Parallel and distributed systems
Telecommunication and mobile communication
Optical networks
Switches and switching
Content-based network service
Peer-to-peer networks
Topology characterization and inference
Cross-layer design and optimization
Power control and management
Traffic measurements and analysis
Cyber-physical systems and Internet of things
Pricing and billing
Traffic engineering and control
Data center and cloud computing
Quality of service
Urban sensing, environmental monitoring, and underwater Networks
Delay/disruption tolerant networks
Resource allocation and management
Vehicular Networks
Dynamic spectrum management