Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing - (ICETC-25)
5th-6th April 2025, Nairobi, Kenya
Call For Papers
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
- Bio-Informatics
- Biometrics
- Communication Systems and Networks
- Computational Intelligence
- Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
- Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Computer Modeling
- Computer Networks
- Computer Networks and Data Communication
- Computer Security
- Computer Simulation
- Cloud, Grid, Cluster and P2P Computing
- Cryptography and Applied Mathematics
- Data Communications
- Data Compression
- Data Encryption
- Data Mining and Information Retrieval
- Database Systems
- Digital Library
- Digital Signal and Image Processing
- Digital System and Logic Design
- Distributed and Parallel Processing
- Distributed Systems
- E-commerce and E-governance, E-business, E-Learning
- Emerging and Innovative Consumer Technologies
- Expert Systems
- Healthcare Informatics
- High Performance Computing
- High Voltage Engineering & Insulation Technology
- Human Computer Interaction and Interface
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems
- Internet and Web Applications
- Knowledge Data Engineering
- Knowledge Management
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia and Web Applications
- Natural Language Processing