Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)

Internaional conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management - (ICEABM-25)

27th-28th February 2025, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Call For Papers

Business ethics and entrepreneurship ethics
Corporate and strategic entrepreneurship
New economy, new jobs and new life
Entrepreneurial universities
Entrepreneurship and growth
Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital
Entrepreneurship and regional development
Entrepreneurship and governmental support
Entrepreneurship and intellectual property
Entrepreneurial culture
Entrepreneurship and gender
Entrepreneurial learning
Communities of practice
Entrepreneurship and ethnic minorities
Entrepreneurship and sustainability
Entrepreneurial finance
Entrepreneurial marketing
Family business
Financing the new entrepreneurship
Global trends of technological growth
Green entrepreneurship
Innovation and technological entrepreneurship
International entrepreneurship
Marketing for high tech start-ups
New prospects in entrepreneurship
Spin off processes and knowledge transfer
Social and community entrepreneurship
Studies of new businesses
Teaching new entrepreneurship