Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)
International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies - (ICGCET-25)
25th-26th January 2025, Soweto, South Africa
Call For Papers
- Algorithmic information theory,
- Computability theory,
- Cryptography,
- Theory of computation,
- Analysis of algorithms,
- Mathematical logic and Formal languages,
- Compilers, Programming languages,
- Operating systems,
- Database systems,
- Computer architecture,
- Computer networks & Information security,
- Soft computing, Fuzzy Logic and ANN.
- Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities,
- Intelligent infrastructure,
- Smart healthcare and emergency management and Emergency Services,
- Smart buildings,
- Smart data for social entrepreneurship and community engagement,
- Citizen engagement and smart governance,
- Data privacy and security issues in social networks,
- Smart city theory, modeling, and simulation,
- Sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) for smart cities,
- Smart environment and policy development,
- Open data and big data analytics,
- Application, deployment, test-bed, and experiences in smart cities,
- Sensors and actuators,
- Energy flows, consumption, production ,
- Energy management,
- Digital city and smart growth,
- Cloud computing and network infrastructures to support smart cities,
- Smart economy development,
- Smart city for special needs,
- Smart E-health systems,
- Smart transportation and Pedestrian and bicyclist safety,
- Safety and security systems,
- Advanced communication systems and approaches for smart cities,
- Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies
- Manufacturing,
- Aerospace,
- Advanced Energy,
- Fluids Engineering,
- Heat Transfer,
- Design Engineering,
- Materials and Energy Recovery,
- Applied Mechanics,
- Rail Transportation,
- Bioengineering,
- Internal Combustion Engines,
- Environmental Engineering