Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)

International Conference on Transport and Road Research - (ICTRR-25)

6th-7th January 2025, Windsor, Canada

Call For Papers

  • Active Transportation Safety and Security
  • Advancements in Stabilization and Reinforcement of Soils and Unbound Granular Layers
  • Advances in Collision Data Collection,Analysis and Interpretation
  • Advances in the Data Collection and Usage for Pavement Management Systems
  • Asset Management and Pavements
  • Autonomous Vehicles and the Potential Impact on Traffic Operations
  • Best Practices in Urban Transportation Planning
  • Bridges and Structures
  • Climate Change Considerations for Geotechnical and Pavement Materials Engineering
  • Design and Construction
  • Communicating Asset Managemen–Lost in Translation
  • Emerging Issues and Sustainable Transportation Challenges
  • Geographical Information Systems and Transportation Management
  • Geometric Design–Emerging Issues
  • Goods Movement–Reaching Destinations Safely and Efficiently
  • Innovation in Pavement Materials and Surfacing Technology
  • Innovative Applications of Traffic Control Devices for Safer Pedestrian and Cyclist Mobility
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Intersection Safety through Traffic Control Devices
  • Invasive Species Management for the Transportation Sector
  • Local roads and Streets
  • Maintenance and Construction
  • Mobile Communications, Transportation Safety and Security
  • Operations and Safety
  • Parking and Travel Information
  • Pavements and Soils and Materials
  • Public Transit and Commercial Vehicle Transportation Safety and Security
  • Risk Assessment and Vulnerability of Mobility
  • Road Safety and Traffic Management
  • Safe Management of Utility Infrastructure of Roadways
  • Safety by Design: Traffic Operations in a Sustainable World
  • Safety Consideration in Geotechnical Stabilization Projects
  • Safety Considerations in Pavements
  • Soils, Materials and Pavements
  • Structures, Construction and Maintenance
  • Summer Road Maintenance
  • Sustainable Pavements in Practice
  • Sustainable Urban Transportation
  • The Future of Transportation
  • The Role of Community Development In Advancing Safer and Healthier Mobility
  • Traffic Operations and Management
  • Traffic Operations, Management and Road Safety
  • Transportation and Road Safety
  • Transportation Planning and Research
  • Transportation Safety and Security
  • Winter Road Maintenance