Flex Conference (Physical / Digital)
International Conference on Innovation and Systems Engineering  - (ICISE-25)
3rd-4th January 2025, Ipoh, Malaysia
Call For Papers
- Databases and Information Systems Integration
- Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Middleware Integration
- Legacy Systems
- Organisational Issues on Systems Integration
- Distributed Database Applications
- Object-Oriented Database Systems
- Enterprise-Wide Client-Server Architecture
- Database Security and Transaction Support
- Data Warehouses
- Multimedia Database Applications
- Web Databases
- Mobile Databases
- Software Engineering
- Software Measurement
- Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
- Intelligent Agents
- Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Strategic Decision Support Systems
- Group Decision Support Systems
- Applications of Expert Systems
- Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network
- Natural Language Interfaces to Intelligent Systems
- Bayesian Networks
- Evolutionary Programming
- Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
- Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Data Mining
- Case-Based Reasoning Systems
- Knowledge-based Systems Engineering
- Knowledge Management
- Information Systems Analysis and Specification
- Systems Engineering Methodologies
- Information Engineering Methodologies
- Organisational Semiotics
- Semiotics in Computing
- Requirements Analysis
- Ontology Engineering
- Modelling Formalisms, Languages, and Notations
- CASE Tools for System Development
- Modelling of Distributed Systems
- Modelling Concepts and Information Integration Tools
- Business Processes Re-engineering
- Security, Freedom and Privacy
- Software Agents and Internet Computing
- B2B and B2C Applications
- Process Design and Organisational Issues in e-Commerce
- E-Procurement and Web-based supply chain management
- Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions
- E-Learning and e-Teaching
- Intranet and Extranet Business Applications
- Agents for Internet Computing
- Web Information Agents
- Case studies on Electronic Commerce
- Public sector applications of e-Commerce
- Internet and Collaborative Computing
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Wireless and Mobile Computing
- Agent-Oriented Programming
- Human-Computer Interaction
- HCI on Enterprise Information Systems
- Functional and non-functional Requirements
- Internet HCI: Web Interfaces and Usability
- Design Methodology and Cognitive Factors in Design
- Multimedia Systems
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Intelligent User Interfaces
- Human Factors
- Geographical Information Systems
- E-Learning